I was shocked to hear Greenspan candidly talk about conversations with Rumsfeld/Cheney admitting to price fixing. My off the cuff response to govt price fixing:
You gotta take the shackles off. The govt got their licks in since Rumsfeld and Cheney [engaged in] price fixing in the 1970's. That's over soon. The govt has micromanaged some industries in to the toilet. In mortgage brokering they let the dogs run loose and TOTALLY screwed the pooch.
Price fixing just doesn't work. I don't know what these goons are thinking. It's why we got in to this mess.
The California GSE (State Fund Workers' Compensation) is a great example of a quasi govt price fixing entity run amock. The provdiers are all pissed off and refuse to accept patient(s).
Another excellent govt GSE price fixing entity is Medi-Cal (California Medicaid) What a disaster. They should be sued for price fixing. The so called Medi-Cal Fee Schedule is a joke. They don't allow enough to cover costs to provide a service (AND THAT HASN'T CHANGED IN NEARLY 20 YEARS!). (why should the private sector be stuck w/ these costs?) The Medi-Cal GSE should be abolished and all those employees should have to work for the private sector as punishment.
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